Friday, October 15, 2010

Gibb River Road

Tuesday 5th October

Today we are leaving our van to do the notorious Gibb River Road.  We have negotiated that we will do part of the Gibb River Road and camp and drive back and get our van later.  Nathan was very excited as the part of the trip he has always wanted to do.  The weather is all clear so today is the day. Despite it's reputation this part of the Gibb is quite well maintained and quite a bit of it is even sealed.

1st night accommodation was at a station called the Home Valley Station which we were recommended to stay at by some travelling families, it had a great swimming pool and play ground.  The grounds were beautiful but not much else to do unless you drive. We had a few drinks at the range bar and it looked like a bad storm was coming over, again the weather was only teasing us, not one drop of rain.

The next day we travelled back towards Kununurra and stopped off at El Questro Station, loved the ancient rugged landscapes, views of the majestic ranges and the unique environment. We had a few casts for Barramundi at the Pentacost River Crossing (again no luck) and checked out some waterholes and spectacular gorges!

After arriving back in Kunanurra we decided to head off for Bungle Bungle ranges to save a day but half way to Halls Creek we realised that "someone" had left our only copy of the keys to the van on the dog box! So about face and back to Kununurra to engage the services of the local locksmith! Oh well so much for saving a day!

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